
Qualifications: Accredited Heavy Vehicle & Car Instructor, Keys2Drive Accredited, Driver Trainer & Assessor, Vocational Trainer & Assessor, and High-Risk Work Trainer & Assessor.

Transmission: Automatic, Synchromesh (Manual), and Road Ranger (Crash Box).

Licence: Car to Multi-combination Heavy Vehicle.

Vehicle Lessons: Subaru Touring 2022 (automatic) and various heavy vehicles gearboxes and/or transmissions.


I am Murray Eekhoff currently involved in driver, and vocational training. Throughout the week I deliver vocational training in multiple transport companies throughout the SE QLD and on the weekend, I provide various vehicle driving lessons. I have had extensive experience in the transport and logistics industry, where I have developed my knowledge and skills to transition into the training environment.

I came from a family of 8 and grew up in Salisbury where I attended Salisbury State Primary School and Mac Gregor State High School. My most outstanding achievement in life is raising my 2 beautiful daughters who have grown into 2 responsible women in the community.

As a driving instructor, I treat everyone with respect to achieve their desired learning outcomes on their first attempt.  This means, I give the students raw honest feedback on their driving ability with no sugar coating to advance their driving expectation where I have achieved over 90% pass rate on their first attempt but for the unsuccessful students, as they say in the classic “you can lead a horse to water, but they don’t have to drink the water”, which is disappointing and depressing for me.

In my spare time, I attend to the yard, educational research, analyses horses’ performance, artistic ventures, and social and family commitments. 

Reviews 5 Star Rating


Today’s experience was amazing driving the truck and having a awesome driving instructor/ teacher thankyou for your words of wisdom I really appreciate it .
Thankyou to Pro Drive for the vehicle and thankyou to You Murray for the time and effort you put in to explain and teach much appreciated.

Cheers Jannell


Suburbs Covered

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